Importance of Fire Safety Equipment Maintenance

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Importance of Fire Safety Equipment Servicing & Maintenance

As a Gold Coast owner of a commercial, residential and industrial (vehicles & marine vessels) property, whether you are an employer, landlord, or occupier of a non-domestic premise, it is your responsibility in ensuring that your premises meet Australian fire safety standards.

As set out in the new edition of AS 1851-2012, fire protection services and equipment: The standard is about ensuring fire systems are designed, commissioned, and installed to a level which will protect the community. It’s important that fire systems are maintained to ensure reliability, functionality and performance. As a responsible person, you must carry out a fire risk assessment to any fire hazards within the premises, and take all the necessary actions to reduce fire risks and maintain all fire safety at all times.

Fire Safety Equipment

Fire safety equipment in the Gold Coast is essential in commercial, residential and industrial (vehicle & marine vessels) property. It has a big impact in reducing the average loss of life and property during fire. Fire safety equipment should be placed in accessible locations should there ever be a fire. Passive and active fire safety equipment should be regularly checked to make sure there are no signs of wear and damage, in order to ensure they are working correctly at all times.

Equipment checks include ensuring fire doors are operating correctly and can be shut without obstruction on a daily basis, fire alarm test, inspection of fire extinguishers, and any additional fire safety equipment in place such as fire blankets or sprinkler system.

Fire Safety Equipment Maintenance



Fire Risk Assessments

In addition to carrying out regular maintenance checks on your fire safety equipment, fire risk assessments are vital part of fire safety in the workplace. Our licensed technicians here at FyrePower Fire Protection can provide a comprehensive assessment of your commercial, residential, industrial premises (vehicles and marine vessels), and will also review existing assessments to ensure you peace of mind on any necessary changes and comments.

We are increasing brand awareness in the Gold Coast. Get your FREE 10 POINT FIRE SAFETY CHECK IN YOUR WORKPLACE TODAY! Contact our friendly team today– we’ll be more than happy to serve you.